Good riddance to you and the swayback horse and rusty buggy you rode in on. I have ZERO tolerance for living in a theocracy. And honestly, I have zero tolerance for extreme conservatism, period. Cruz would have opposed that buggy having wheels, because it would have been too progressive.
And now I confront my horror of Drumpf being the presumptive GOP nominee. I can’t wrap my head around this—he started out as a joke and he is even more of a joke, and how in hell did this happen? He is a despicable person; he has insulted and demeaned everybody—women, every minority, poor and struggling people, working class people—everybody. And yet idiots vote for him! He’s the lowest common denominator of fear, racism, and divisiveness in our populace, and I guess a sizable portion of our populace relate to that. How utterly sad that is. His demeanor is not presidential nor statesmanlike nor diplomatic nor intelligent. (And did you hear his Palin-like vocabulary salad speech on foreign policy? The man is a narcissistic psychopath). I do believe that the vast majority of Americans will ultimately NOT reward that hateful behavior.
John and I ventured out to our favorite nursery in Olympia yesterday (in 86° sunshine) and loaded up on flowers and herbs for the deck pots. (Wow, they $ure did add up!) Today I planted the pots and the deck looks so nice! (Even though the weather deteriorated). Quite the job, but I was methodical about it—prepared the pots with fresh potting soil and mixed in some plant food that my horticulturist BFF Helen gave me (Osmocote), laid out the flowers in front of each pot, then planted the thrillers, fillers, and spillers! Then watered them all, of course! One pot is herbs—lots of basil plus some garlic AND catnip! The cats both discovered the catnip before I planted anything.
I caught Wylie on video:
Here are some shots of the finished pots!