I did send the camera down to Harstine when John left this morning for another full week of “turning and burning,” so I’m hoping to view some new progress soon (and post it!) He worked (at Boeing) this past weekend, but he heard from Lee our sider+ guy who worked on the house this weekend and it sounds like the Big Deck is close to being done! (By that I mean that the decking is almost completely installed. A handful of boards short, so John stopped at his favorite lumberyard on his way down to pick up the rest).
Another lonesome, nothing-but-work week. At least I’ve got the critters. John says it gets mighty lonesome down there, too. Lately he’s been heading into town in the evenings to get a bite at a local diner (in lieu of cooking for himself), mostly because he doesn’t have to cook (duh!), but also because he’s ready for a little bit of civilization. (Ha! If you can call that town civilized…) (I swear it’s where they capture the vast majority of the “People of Walmart” photos).
Meanwhile, a few bullets.
- Relatively productive weekend with laundry (of course), but also washing/vacuuming out my car and getting an oil change. Naturally, within a half hour after getting home, the skies opened up and fire-hosed us for the rest of the day.
- You locals can thank BOTH John and I for that because he washed his car, too.
- I read and finished an EXCELLENT book. It was Stephen King’s new “Joyland” and it was so very good and enjoyable. Even if you aren’t a King fan, I would bet that you would really like it! Not so much “horror” as a bit of “magic.” And wonderful, 3-dimensional, interesting characters. I highly recommend it! [Helen, tell Ron it’s a winner!]
- Sorry. I’ve been trying tonight to watch the latest episode of Mad Men on AMC online and I swear that every 4 minutes of the show then results in 15 minutes of commercials, THEN it keeps STOPPING, and when I try to work at resuming it, it goes BACK TO THE FUCKING 15 MINUTES OF COMMERCIALS. I am about to kick something.
- Then I tried to order the episode on Amazon On Demand and it won’t EVEN LOAD. I am beyond frustrated.
- So, this is cool. A Facebook friend of mine who is a frequent movie-goer, saw Nate on the Big Screen! There was a promo in the theater for “The Last Ship” and she recognized Nate because “he is so very pale!” LOL!
- Been having computer issues (like, it wouldn’t even START). John messed with it for quite a while over the weekend and for the time being it seems to be…OK. Very slow, though. I really don’t want the ordeal of transferring everything over to a new computer! Please! The idea of having to buy a new computer gives me a huge case of the dreads.
- It’s supposed to get up to 80° later this week? Hmm.