Yeah, and we’re still trying to peel the tire tread off our bodies. My God, what a rotten few days!
Without the nitty-gritty disgusting graphic details, both JDub and I have been reeling from Monday morning’s sudden onslaught of the worst digestive-tract anomaly to hit either of us in any recent (or even distant!) memory. We don’t know if it was a virus or food poisoning, but MAN ALIVE WE WISHED WE WERE DEAD.
After the violence of Monday, we’ve spent the past two days trying to recover. Fifty-something-year-old bodies apparently aren’t as resilient as they once were (duh!) We didn’t know that so many body parts could all hurt at the same time! Every nerve ending (even my teeth were ringing); every joint, muscle, ligament, and tendon; every BONE, including the entire skull; every internal organ (even my ovaries, I swear!) And the places in between felt like they were being pummeled by the business end of a ball-peen hammer. Sleep was the only escape, and we did quite a lot of that, but it was fitful (and difficult to get to sleep with all that hurting happening). Oh, and THEN — bad dreams!
Once again, the couch beckons….