I’m sure it’s all about the time of year—and in these northern environs, S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is a pretty typical condition. Used to be called “Post Holiday Blues” or “Winter Blues.” But there’s more to it than just having the blues. It’s pretty much all-encompassing. Trouble sleeping; horrific trouble waking up at the butt-crack of dawn; heavy-hearted; difficulty focusing; interaction with people seems fake, forced, or best avoided; a sense of fight or flight. That’s me! Always has been! Several years ago, my mom recognized my symptoms and sent me a special lamp. It was developed for treating S.A.D. and while not the high-tech light boxes available these days, it does help. I use it every morning while I’m getting ready for work, and it shines in my periphery. It helps. But, it’s not the end-all. (Neither is medication). I’m coveting sunshine and it just isn’t forthcoming in this neck of the woods. It’s gonna be a while before it is.
In spite of it all, I’m taking it a day at a time. And it’s not all bad. The homefront is nice. Hubby keeps me intrigued and consistently brings on the chuckles (the best medicine); the animals, while sometimes annoying, give such unconditional love, including the cat (in his unique way); and the kid, at 22-1/2 years old, also knows how to lighten my days, even though he’s not around all that much. (He also knows how to darken them, but thankfully that hasn’t been the case lately).
There is worry. Worry about the economy, about our jobs, about our retirement plans, about Nate going to Navy Boot Camp, about all the things that need to be fixed in our house, about affording the house we’re having designed for Harstine, about our health, about aging, about our parents. When it’s so dark for so much of the day—even in daylight hours we’re enveloped with gray—dark thoughts tend to permeate.
So, this weekend we’re heading to Harstine regardless of the weather. It’s time to get out of Dodge. Yeah, the weather will suck, we’ll likely be holed up inside the camping trailer, and internet connection will be close to non-existent.
But it will be healing and peaceful. (As long as I have a SOOTHING book to read! Jeeze! Need a break from all this high-0ctane fiction!)