Whew, deadline met. That's always such a good feeling. Actually, I tend to feel like a balloon that's suddenly lost all it's air when a proposal goes out. Kind of droopy and spent. (Hmmm, I suppose another analogy would be fitting, too....) (Mind's in the gutter I s'pose).
My boss (Ms. Tongue Stud) and I drove down to one of our branch offices about 30 miles away, and we had the opportunity to chat and get to know each other. She's so easy to talk to. I tend to hate/dread riding somewhere with worky people that I don't know well because I hate small talk. But that sure wasn't an issue. She's fun and quirky and I get a kick out of her. I was glad to have her help finalizing everything this morning -- it would have been difficult to do it all on my own. I was a little bit disappointed in the ultimate quality of the proposal, mostly because with all the effort and tedium that goes into these things, it was then printed on shitty paper! Just flimsy white photocNater paper, nothing special at all, inbetween nice covers and divider sheets. When I am more seasoned, I will bring that up. I've seen and done enough of these to know that when they are all being compared by selection committees, that would make a definite initial impression.
I have American Idol on and it appears that they will drag this episode out ad infinitum. What a bunch of drivel. I may just cheat and check the internet to see who won. (It's already known, since we're on the west coast). Who do I want? I'm not sure. I like both the finalists, for different reasons. I'm sort of thinking the winner will be Taylor Hicks because 1) they're due for a guy and 2) Katherine is a bit too Kelly Clarkston. Which means she's really good, but Hicks would be a breath of fresh air, I think. (But, I'd be fine if Katherine won, too). Just call me wishy-washy!
Met JDub for his "lunch" break (actually dinner) at a restaurant near where he works. He signed his acceptance for his official manager's position. Woohoo!
While I've got laundry going, I'm gonna play my adventure game. I'm pretty lousy at these things, but I get so caught up in the "story"! It's kind of like an interactive novel. If you decide to get this game, be sure to either play it on Xbox (which I believe it was originally designed for), or get yourself a gamepad if you play it on your PC/laptop (which is what I'm doing). The game is just not designed for use with the mouse, even though it says it is. What a pain in the butt! Even the gamepad is awfully sensitive. The poor girl keeps banging into walls everywhere she goes.